Tuesday 11 June 2013

Koutea Reviews: Don’t Buy Koutea Until You Read this Koutea Review

Koutea reviews

This Koutea review will focus on how to use Koutea to get rid of fat and achieve your weight loss goals.

Weight loss doesn’t have to be hard, it doesn’t have to cost you a small fortune, you do not have to spend several hours at the gym, or pay hundreds of dollars to a personal trainer.

If you're like many people who's over-weight, chances are that you may have tried several weight loss products out there; and not find any type of satisfaction…

I was once like you; I know how you feel, and I know how desperate you are for a change in your situation.

Without mincing words, here’re some important things you must know about Koutea before making a purchase

What Is KouTea?

 Koutea is  one of the best and the most improved weight loss tea that contains 4 quality tea's blended together to aid digestion, boost metabolism, and remove free radicals.

 Koutea is no ordinary tea—it’s a special blend of 4 of the most powerful, potent, and proven tea's that boost metabolism and deliver fat burning metabolism boost ability.

Ever since I bought my own pack of Koutea, I easily churn up to  4—8 pounds weekly ( at my wish).

Does Koutea Work?

 Yes, of course it does… To convince you that this weight loss tea really works, here’re some real life Koutea reviews by customers who’ve used the product:

I’ve been using Koutea for about 3 weeks now and so far am very happy with the progress I’ve seen. I’ve noticed that I feel far better than I did before I was using this tea and have noticed my body looking leaner and more defined.
What I really like about the tea is the fact that it actually tastes good – so many of the other teas I tried that are designed to help weight loss tasted absolutely horrible, so this one has been actually enjoy able to use.
 I’ve been drinking four cups of tea daily and so far have lost 10 pounds total, which is more than I’ve lost on many other former diets that I used. ‘’
                                                                                                     Veronica, USA

‘’ I have struggled with my body weight for many years. It’s not that I can’t lose weight – I’ve used many diets before and have seen pretty good results on them, the problem with me is that I can’t keep it off.
This time I tried using Kou tea and so far I’m impressed with the results that I’ve seen.
This tea has helped me decrease my hunger, which is what normally causes me to eat far more than I should and snack all day long, so I think this time I’ll be able to keep my weight off for good’’.
                                                                                                                 Lauren, USA

‘’ All in all, I’m pretty happy with the results that I’ve seen using Koutea. I’ve used the product for 6 weeks now and have lost 8 pounds total, so it’s a pretty good rate of weight loss for me.
I did struggle at the very beginning to drink it multiple times per day, but now that I have a routine down for drinking it, it’s far easier to get the four cups daily’’.
                                                                                                   Jessica, from the UK

Why KouTea?

Most of the weight loss tea’s that’re aimed at helping over-weight people lose weight or churn off some pounds have side effects. However, Koutea, being made from a blend of natural ingredients such as white tea and green tea, doesn’t cause any side effect in the body.

Koutea is a uniquely blended slimming tea that helps people achieve their weight loss goals faster.

Kou Tea Ingredients

1. White tea

2. Green tea

3. Pu-erh tea

4. Oolong tea

White Tea: is one amazing type of tea known for its great taste, flavor, and effectiveness.

White tea contains plyphenols in high numbers—which acts as an anti-oxidant to flush away the toxins in both your cells and blood stream.

It also an effective tool for boosting your metabolism… and helps burn fat naturally.

Green tea: according to the prestigious University of Maryland medical center , green tea is loaded with anti-oxidants that helps you look younger, stronger, and healthier.

This remarkable weight loss tea removes free radicals, boost metabolism, maintains weight loss without any additional activity, and turns up the fart burning formula in your body making it easy for you to lose weight!

Pu-Erh Tea: known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-mutagenic properties.
 Pu-erh tea helps to drop your cholesterol numbers, thereby making it easy for you to lose weight. It also increases blood circulation throughout the body, and aids better digestion.

Oolong Tea: this contains vitamin A,B,C,D,E, as well as folic acids, selenium, carotin, copper, and carotin! 

It's also know to control obesity, and helps to  reduce stress levels by as much as 18 percent!

Oolong tea is one of the most effective component in Koutea

Here're 5 Reasons Koutea Is Great For You

1. It comes with a money back guarantee

2. Reverse the signs of aging

3.  Very affordable, compared to other weight loss tea’s

4. Reduces stress

5. Boost back your confidence

But that's not it! Check Out These Great KouTea Benefits Too

1. Regain your self esteem

2. Prevent tooth ache

3. Strengthen your immune system

4. Reduce the risk of heart conditions

5. Burn up to 5-6 pounds weekly!

6. Improve your energy levels

7. Feel comfortable in your clothes again!

9. Lose weight without undergoing difficult workout regimens

KouTea Side Effects

 Koutea doesn't have any side effect; in fact, I've never seen any Koutea user complain of anything whatsoever. It's completely free from any side effect!

How To Use KouTea

1. Boil atleast, four cups of water in a tea pot.

2. Allow the water to cool to about 75 degrees Celsius

3. Add Koutea to a full cup of water.

4. Allow to steep in the tea cup for 2-3 minutes, and remove the tea bag when the color of the tea has changed.

5. Enjoy your tea!

6. Re-use the tea bag and repeat the same process whenever you want to take the tea.

PS. For better health benefits, add honey for sweetening, or allow to steep longer for a more powerful tea.

When To Take Koutea

1. Enjoy a cup every morning before going to work, or school. This will give you energey and boost your metabolism

2. Drink before meals especially if you're planning to eat carbs

3. Drink in the evening before going to bed ( before evening meals)

4. Enjoy your day and keep your metabolism going

Koutea Prices                                  

Package                                Cost

1 box of Kou tea                  $34.95

2 Boxes of Kou Tea             $$69.27

3 Boexs (plus a free box)     $104.85

If you're really serious for a change, then I advise you go for the 3 months package. It's  less than $105 and it's very effective

Don't Struggle To Lose Weight--Try Kou Tea

If you're tired of being overweight or struggling to lose weight, then this is the time to make a change.

All you need to do is to add  Koutea into your diet twice, daily, and  you're on your way to losing as much as 20--22 pounds monthly!

It comes with a money back guarantee and the price of 1 month order is not up to to the price of a quality pair of trousers.

Give it a try Today, you'd be glad you did!

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